Public Terminals Acceptible Use


  • A computer user must have a Williams County Public Library (WCPL) card in good standing or guest privileges, and read and agree to these Acceptable Use Procedures before using the computer.

  • WCPL public terminals will be used for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only; use for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes is prohibited.

  • Access to or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics as defined in section 2901.01 and 2907.31 of the Ohio Revised Code is not permitted.

  • U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use." Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

  • Software or other computer programs may NOT be installed by users or downloaded from the Internet; only citations and information resources may be used on WCPL public terminals.

  • Users will be responsible for any damage to disks, software, the computer, or peripheral equipment while they are using it.

  • Users are prohibited from misrepresenting themselves as another user; attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.

  • No more than one person is permitted to a computer workstation at a time unless prior approval is given by a staff member.

  • Minor children must have parent or legal guardian consent on record when accessing the Internet from WCPL public terminals.

  • WCPL is not responsible for Internet connections that are temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties.

  • Users may not modify or change WCPL terminal settings, or reboot public terminals.

  • Users may be asked to give up their terminal in 30 minutes to someone waiting for the next available terminal.

  • Users should know how to use the applications they need. Staff are not required to assist patrons with computer applications. Training sessions for use of the Internet are available by appointment.

  • Failure to abide by these procedures may result in suspension of WCPL services and privileges. It is part of the Library’s mission to provide Internet access to its patrons. However, patrons who violate the Library’s fair use standards will be given penalties. Violations include, but are not limited to, accessing obscene or offensive materials, engaging in illegal communications, violating another user’s privacy, or violation of system security. Penalties are as follows:

1st: user will be asked to exit from objectionable site.

2nd: user will lose privileges for the day.

3rd: user will lose privileges for 30 days.

4th: user will lose privileges permanently, or at the discretion of the Director.